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SAE MAM2224 Tolerances, Metric, Copper and Copper Alloy Wire

作者:标准资料网 时间:2024-04-20 05:48:44  浏览:8865   来源:标准资料网
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Product Code:SAE MAM2224
Title:Tolerances, Metric, Copper and Copper Alloy Wire
Issuing Committee:Ams D Nonferrous Alloys Committee
Scope:This specification covers established metric manufacturing tolerances applicable to copper and copper alloy wire ordered to metric (SI) dimensions. These tolerances apply to all conditions, unless otherwise noted.
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MIL-STD-1642 (NOTICE 1), MILITARY STANDARD: DESIGN CRITERIA FOR PERSONNEL LOW PRESSURE CHAMBERS (26 JUN 1990)., MIL-STD-1642, dated 20 August 1977, is hereby canceledwithout replacement.【英文标准名称】:StandardTestMethodforFreezingPointofAqueousEngineCoolants
