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BS 2782 Pt.5 Method 553A-1991 塑料的试验方法.第5部分:风化条件下光学和颜色性能.方法553A:进一步加热前和醋酸纤维素光吸收测定

作者:标准资料网 时间:2024-04-19 12:39:28  浏览:8108   来源:标准资料网
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Product Code:SAE ARP4049
Title:Cargo Restraint on Aircraft Passenger Seats - Main Passenger Cabin (STABILIZED Dec 2011)
Issuing Committee:Age-2a Cargo Handling Committee
Scope: This SAE Aerospace Recommended Practice (ARP) establishes the basic recommendations for the following two types of configuration for securing cargo to aircraft passenger seats on transport category aircraft: a. type 1: seat bags; and b. type 2: restraint straps are examples of their type and may be adapted to suit the individual needs of the user. It is emphasized that the two types of restraint shown are merely examples of methods currently used and does not imply that alternative methods are not acceptable. For the purposes of this document, the minimum essential criteria are identified by the use of the key word 'shall.' Recommended criteria are identified by the use of the key word 'should,' and while not mandatory, are considered to be of significant importance in providing safe, economical, and practical means of cargo restraint. Deviation from recommended criteria should occur only after careful consideration, extensive testing, and thorough service evaluation have shown alternative methods to be satisfactory.native methods to be satisfactory.【英文标准名称】:StandardPerformanceSpecificationforWoven,Lace,andKnitHouseholdCurtainandDraperyFabrics
